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Hair Loss Treatment That Works

hair loss treatment in cardiff

Hair Loss Treatment in Cardiff

Our most popular treatment amongst men at our clinic is our life changing hair loss solution treatment. Men of all ages visit Bamboo Aesthetics for hair loss treatment in Cardiff. From students to pensioners, our triple award winning team have offered a new leash of life and a new head of hair to those in need of gaining their confidence back.

In most cases, prevention is preferred over treatment. However, Hair Loss is very difficult to prevent. If you feel you are one of the unlucky ones to carry hair loss genes, then you can only delay the process, not stop it. Stress is the strongest catalyst in the hair loss process. Stress accelerates hair loss, but if it’s hair you would have lost as some later point in any case.

Fix your Hair Loss woes

So what can you do? Well either accept your fate, or do something about it. Bamboo Aesthetics offers affordable hair loss solution in Cardiff so you no longer have to worry if you feel like one of nature’s unlucky ones.

Hair loss treatment in Cardiff is not only affordable, but also very easy. Simply book a consultation with Dr. Dan or another member of our award winning team to discuss your concerns and desires, and hear your eligibility and options. If happy to proceed, we will revitalise your hair growth and slow down any further hair loss.

Hair Loss Treatment in Cardiff

We use REVITACARE® HAIRCARE®, an innovative treatment which hydrates the scalp, stimulates hair growth and speeds up growth of hair. Thinning hair, dryness and hair loss can be a thing of the past with the formula developed by French Experts. Those who have visited the practice have noticed how the quality of their hair has significantly improved, from the roots to the tips. One of those patients was Rhodri Whale, a 26-year-old model from Rhiwbina who came to Bamboo after thinning hair started to eat away at his confidence. Rhodri shares his story below with us.

I’ve always been a confident guy. From an early age, I was interested in being a model. I loved taking photos with my friends, pretending we were at a photoshoot. When I moved up to comprehensive school, my mother put in few applications for me for modelling agencies. I wanted to be in magazines and on shop designs. Do I think I’m a good looking lad? Not overly. I don’t think you have to be good looking to be a model, you just have to have your own style and confidence that comes with it. I was very confident of who I was from an early age and what I was about.

Aesthetics Clinic in Cardiff

There were two things I didn’t like about myself though – that I wanted to change. They were things that lowered my confidence. Firstly, I didn’t like my teeth. Anything that involved smiling with my teeth made me a bit self-conscious. I’ve just had veneers done at Bamboo Dental, and I was speaking with Dr. Dan about my modelling career. He told me that Bamboo had just opened an Aesthetics clinic so If I wanted any cosmetic treatments done then to phone up the clinic. I told him that the other thing that made self-conscious was my hair. I was more than surprised when he said that the clinic offered hair loss treatment in Cardiff.

Indeed, I was very selfie conscious about my hair. I noticed that my hair had been thinning more and more over the past year. I’ve never had thick hair. I blame my mother, everyone on her side has fine hair. I never expected to suffer from hair loss this early on. I thought I might when I was older, but at 26? No.

Hair Loss Consultation

I told Dan that I was definitely interested in hair loss treatment. He told me to go home and think about it more and to phone up to organise a consultation if I was still interested. My mind was made up already at that point. I’d been considering hair loss treatment but a friend of mine had told to me it doesn’t really work very well.

During my consultation with Dr. Dan, I asked if hair loss treatment really worked. He explained that some people have hair loss treatment and don’t attend follow up recommended top ups and then wonder why they haven’t seen the results they’d hoped for.

Effective Hair Loss Treatment

Dr. Dan is an expert and I trusted his words. He told me that a course of two to three treatments over six weeks is his suggestion. If I was happy with the results, and wanted to continue to have healthier and thicker hair, top up treatments a few times a year are recommended.

I told Dan that a one off treatment would be ideal but he told me there is no overnight magic solution to change your genes. After much research, I felt this was the best option for someone in my situation. It was an affordable and effective treatment, and I had the upmost confidence in the Bamboo team.

Six months on, I’ve just had my first top up of the treatment and I cannot believe the difference. I can’t stop touching my hair. I can run a brush through my hair instead of a comb. After I had all three treatments, my friends and family noticed the difference pretty much straight away.

It was a matter of just turning up at the clinic for an hour every fortnight over six weeks, and now my confidence has sky rocketed. My mother jokes that I can model for shampoo commercials now. I’ll stick to clothes modelling I think! I want to thank Dr. Dan and the Bamboo team for offering this alternative and I can’t help but feel if more people just knew about it, they’d do it too.

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