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Facial Aesthetics Can Help Burns Victims

botox burns victims

Facial Aesthetics is an industry that just keeps on giving. As each week passes a new advancement opens the door for more life changing procedures. Recent tests have provided evidence to support a new way in which burn wounds can be aided in their recovery. The facial aesthetics treatment in this cases is botox.


How Botox Can Help Treat Burn Wounds

Botox has been used in facial aesthetics for many more reasons than to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Some of the most beneficial uses have been in muscular disorders such as cerebral palsy. The muscle relaxant properties are incredible helpful in improving the quality of life and recovery of sufferers of these types of disorders.

Recently, there have been reports suggesting that botox could be beneficial to burns patients in the healing of their wounds. Let’s look at this in a little more detail.

How the Skin Heals in Burns Patients

After suffering a burn injury the skin may have suffered a lot of trauma. The body is a complex system and is very good at healing itself but in such circumstances there is a long process ahead. The process generally first involves the formation of a blister over the burnt area. Following this, new skin can be formed over the top.

Whilst these processes are taking place something called ‘contractures’ occur. These can be described as the tightening of the skin. These contractures are difficult to live with. They can be very painful to an already suffering burns patient as well as limiting the movement of joints in the nearby area. The tightening of the skin can also cause massive irritation and an urge to scratch. If followed through, this can cause further pain and infection.

The irritation generated by contractures is actually caused by damage to the sweat glands positioned on the surface of the skin. This damage causes the sweat glands to open up sightly uncovering the underlying nerve cells. These nerve cells are then unprotected which means that irritation is caused whenever they are stimulated.

These effects can be hard to deal with and are just an extra struggle for those recovery from burns traumas. As it can be difficult to live for a long period of time with these ailments, patients will often seek out ways to resolve the issues as soon as possible. This is where advancements in facial aesthetics come into play.


How Can Botox Injections Help?

Botox has only recently been used in the management of this type of trauma. In a series of studies many factors were assessed including; changes in skin histology, water loss in and around the wounds and levels of tumour necrosis. The findings were that botox injections into the site of the wound helped to induce cell regrowth and delay the inflammation effects that usually occur. It was also great to notice that there was a very noticeable betterment in the aesthetic appearance of the burn wound.


More Recent Studies…

A study took place which sampled 10 patients who had suffered burns ranging from deep to full thickness. The patients had been suffering from an excruciating amount of itching and irritation of the burn areas.

The patients all received botox injections into the site of the burn wounds. The results were very promising, showing a remarkable improvement. The gains were that those patients suffering from large amounts of itching had recovered completely within one month of their treatment.

Although the use of botox is still in its early stages with relation to burns the progress so far has been more than promising.


What Next?

Botox is clearly not only a viable protein to be used in facial aesthetics but its uses expand far into the medical world. Although research has only covered a limited number of patients thus far, botox is surely a treatment that is going to become more and more widely used in the future.

For those suffering from burns and the negative effects they can have on a persons well being, botox offers a way to help and give back the freedom that life should be giving.

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